Saturday, August 16, 2008

Emiko: Day 2, A Pooey Day

Hey y'all. It is really late...almost midnight. I just got home from work a little while ago from a really crazy closing shift. I feel POOPED.

I was actually pretty tuckered out by the time a got to work (around 2:30pm), because during my workout today I pushed myself harder/was much more sore than yesterday. I did a full 1,005 jump-ropes! The sad part about all those jumps was that I accidentally hit my cat Gus with the rope...I felt SO BAD. I guess he was scared of the rope and tried to flee the room, but got too close on his way out. He wouldn't let me get near him after that until Adrian started doing his jump-ropes, and Gus decided I had become less of an enemy and more of a protective shield that scratches his head in nice ways.

Squats were hard, because I was trying to do them slow to get the full benefit of them, with already sore calves. But I finished them eventually, and never cheated :)

Had my first milky drink in a while (foamy steamed soy milk with a drizzle of almond syrup...yummers), but it was only around 7oz so I don't think I've committed too big a crime.

I can't think of anymore because I'm so tired, so I'm gonna head to bed. Love to everyone who is following and supporting Adrian and I, thank you so much!

Night night.


Patrick said...

You can report me to PETA, but I thought that story of hitting the cat with the jumprope was the funniest thing I had seen all day. I LOL'd.

Amy said...

That's why I jump outside! My cat is too dumb and/or too curious to stay away from the swinging blue rope. I hope your calves feel better, it sounds like we are in the same boat.

Corry said...

oh man, just wanted to pop in and wish you guys well and I feel so guilty too cuz I'm trying now to laugh at poor Gus getting attacked by a jumprope. How very cool that you guys are doing this together and I'm cheering you on from Yokohama here. Wanted to wish you well and tell you that those killer squats only hurt like that for the first week, it doesn't take long to become used to them and to build those big muscles up. ALLLL the best! Corry

Adrian and Emiko said...

Thanks, Corry. So good to hear that comforting news about the squats...I needed that! And don't worry about laughing...I kind of was too while I tried to get close enough to Gus to say sorry (as he ran away)!