Thursday, August 28, 2008

Emiko: Day 14, Like Leather Sweat Pants

Today I rode my bike to work, which was very pleasant in the cool morning. I left pretty late, allowing only 15 mins to get from my apartment to my work. But I made it on time! My pace was pretty relaxed in fact, and riding felt easier. I think my new leg strength is coming through for me!

But as the day wore on, the temperature rose as did the humidity. The ride back felt like the sun was personally attacking me. It was really really hot inside my helmet, and I started to get this coat of sweat everywhere. I also started to get nervous because my mom just had some skin cancer removed from her forehead, and I still keep forgetting to wear sunscreen.

By the time I got home, I could see sweat droplets all on my shins, which is something I have definitely never experienced before ever. It was like wearing leather pants, except sweat. Very hot. I also wiped my forehead the way you do when you are hot, and when I looked at my hand it seemed like I had just dipped it in canola oil. How could I possibly sweat this much?! So I thought, may as well do my exercises!

I went outside behind our building near where the trashcans are and starting jump roping. My first set I did 120 skips, and after that all of my sets were 200 skips or greater! This is by far my best round of jump roping. Near the end, I realized that it's probably because I had been exercising and moving a lot throughout the day already, instead of just starting my work out after eating our huge lunches, which is a painful experience.

The rest of my work out went pretty well. The shoulder exercises kill me though. I am struggling by the 5th rep in the set of 10-12, but somehow made it to the minimum of every set. I am also proud to say that, in response to Patrick's advice to use the last set of an exercise to push to muscle failure, I did 45 sit ups on my last set! I actually could have done more, but I didn't want to be too sore tomorrow and also I had timed the broiling of my turkey patties perfectly to match with the end of my sit-ups (getting more efficient!).

Oh yes, and here are new our diets for Week 3! The diet for Week 2 had us eating a lot of food in order to get our bodies workin' to shoot our metabolisms through the roof. The new diets are a little smaller, but still running on the same, higher metabolism. Hopefully soon we'll see the results and the fat melts off.

I consulted the PCP binder (yes, we have a PCP binder) and put the differences between old and new diets in parentheses cos even I never quite memorized the grams.


Breakfast 100g carb 100g veg 1egg 150ml yogurt (50g less carbs)

Morning snack 100g fruit

Lunch 100g carb 150g veg 200g meat

Afternoon tea 100g fruit

Dinner 2egg white 1apple 1banana 150ml milk (1 more egg white, 50g less meat, 150g less veggies)


Breakfast 100g carb 100g veg 1egg 150ml yogurt (50g less veggies)

Morning snack 100g fruit

Lunch 100g carb 150 meat 150g veg (50g less meat)

Afternoon tea 100g fruit

Dinner 2egg white 1apple 1 banana 150ml milk (added 1 egg white)

I was never a fan of the "smoothie" option for my dinner due to a very very nasty thick shake I made of the first day of our last diet. But Adrian and I did to make banana ice cream tonight, although it didn't quite come out as planned. We froze two bananas overnight, and then chopped them up and blended them with our nightly 150ml of milk. It turned out more like a banana milkshake, although added ice helped a little. Something interesting to try, for sure.

Not much else to say today. Sorry that this post was a little random. Hope you all have (had) a good night!

Quote of the Day

Adrian: "I hope this reduced diet reduces my gas."


Tim said...

Interesting, this sweating thing. I have trouble stopping! I go the skipping and the workouts that really stokes up my internal heater. Eating afterwards makes me sweat even more. Then I can't cool down quickly enough. Having a shower or a bath doesn't cool me down quickly enough. The hot and humid weather keeps me perspiring anyway and PCP often has me leaving the house already glowing!!

Patrick said...

The PCP will do a lot of things, but sadly, one of them is not reducing gas.

Tim said...

PS we care for you, Adrian!

Tim said...

Oops, wrong blog, care for you too Emiko!!

Adrian and Emiko said...

Thanks Tim. I feel a hug coming on.


Nate said...

Darn egg whites and their gaseous qualities!

Adrian and Emiko said...
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Adrian and Emiko said...

Thanks, Tim :)

And Nate...I feel ya buddy!
