Saturday, September 13, 2008

Emiko: Day 30, IT'S DAY 30!!!

Wow guys, I really can't believe that PCP2 has been going for a full 30 days already! Has it really honestly been a month? Time has flown by.

I just finished whipping up another batch of Adrian's delicious recipe for lean turkey burgers. You can see a picture here of the mixing bowl. Doesn't it look just fabulous? We decided to double the amount of chili powder this time to make it extra spicy and exciting. We'll let you know how it tastes in a couple of days when we try the new round of patties.

These 100g-o'-meat patties have been our staple for lunch. Love 'em!

Anywho, I set another new record for myself in jump-roping today! I did one set of 1,700 jumps. Woo woo! Again, my body complained and complained through the first couple hundred or so. I almost stopped at 250 jumps to take a breather, but then a little voice in my head said, "Let's see what you feel like after another hundred. Just feel it out." So I did, and it kind of kept going that way until I hit 1,000. By that time I had decided to push myself and finish the full 1,600. But once I got to 1,600, the voice chimed in again..."Let's try another hundred, eh?" I stopped there, though.

It's amazing to experience how far I have come. Just a few weeks ago, I was doing sets of 100-150 jumps, 300 at most. Now 100 is nothing. I can just say, "Let's do another 100!" That's so amazing to me!

Speaking of progress...I am kind of embarrassed to show you all this, but here is a previously unseen Day 1 photo that I uncovered as I was helping Adrian upload a picture for his post half an hour ago. Oh my god, you guys! I can't believe how pudgy I was! Even by the end of Week 1 (the first photo on our Flickr photostream) you can see a big difference. In this photo I look pretty bloated in the belly. After the half-diets, the puffiness went down a bunch.

In finding this picture after a month on the PCP, most of the surprise didn't come from how much weight I've lost since then. That's maybe 10% of it. Mostly I can see now how stark the difference was between the image I had of myself and how I really, truly was. I never really realized that this was how I appeared to the world, because when I looked in the mirror I didn't want to see the truth. I compensated for my fat by sucking in just a little bit. You know you do it. I did it. And I still do it!

The initial shock of seeing this photo right after Adrian took it was actually part of the reason I didn't put much effort into uploading it. I didn't want it to be real. Well, now my secret's out!

Off to do my chores before bedtime! Good night, all.


Adrian and Emiko said...

How many more beans must be spilled???


Adrian and Emiko said...

Shhhh, you!!!



Patrick said...

I was just previewing your blog before dinner, scrolling down and looking at the pictures, and I saw the Day 1 Photo without the context and thought it was from today! I was like, "Oh boy, something is not going according to plan over there..."

Much relief when I read the blog!

Great work and congratulations on reaching the 1/3 mark.

Kazue said...

Wow! 1700jumps straight!?
You are amazing:D
Could you tell me the recipe for the turkeyburgers?

Nate said...

Great job Emiko! The progress is awesome! Just think we can really laugh at pictures like that is another 60 days! That person will be and already is gone! I'm thinking I should take your turkey burger recipe and make spicy salmon patties. That could work eh?

Em's Mum said...

Did you try the burgers with some of that smoked chipotle chili powder I gave you? Bet that would be interesting. I bet they would also work with salmon or a similar idea w/ canned tuna & herbs (tarragon, thyme, parsley...), maybe if you were using canned, not cooked more.

You DO look much trimmer & more fit in real life (and a bit smaller, size in space-wise, not life force-wise). I will have to hold off on making that skirt to your measurements until things stabilize, or it will fall off!

You make me what to get a jump rope! Although I do have traumatic memories of flunking jump rope class in 3rd Gr. and having to go with the remedial group (couldn't break the double-skip habit).

Am off to see if I can talk your dad into coming with me & our bikes to the Sunday Streets SF for a ride along the Embarcadero...he is not looking convinced...