Monday, September 1, 2008

Adrian: Day 18, Laborious Day

Battled the fatigue again today. Felt drowsy and overpowered by the heat all day. Fell asleep on the couch around 2 p.m. to the smell of barbecue wafting in through the window. Woke up about forty minutes later and spent some time reading and dragging my body around.

I wonder if my body is paying off a prolonged sleep debt. Before starting PCP, I spent the last few months going to bed around 11 and getting up at 5 or 6. I must be paying it off. Emiko has been really strong this week though, and energetic; it's inspiring. Hope to hit that high soon.

At around 5 p.m., went into the back alley to do my jump ropes. Saw that it was my downstairs neighbor grilling. He had a huge mound of chicken and sausages on a tiny little grill - all to himself. Nice. Been feeling hungrier these days, but wasn't really tempted by the meat pile. He wasn't offering anyway.

I didn't feel very strong during my exercises today. Was only able to do about half the number of jumps before getting tired and having to break. Still not hitting the max on the incline pull ups and not hitting the minimum on the side shoulder flies after the first set.

My shoulders need work. Had the idea to start doing standing meditation again, as it can really strengthen the shoulders. Maybe I'll add it to my PCP routine.

Anyhow, I'm still feeling pooped so that's all for now. Hope everyone enjoyed their day.



Tim said...

Being pooped is OK, particularly on a public holiday.

I know what you mean about sleep deficit. As well as Patrick's instruction, I read somewhere that you can only "catch up" so much so that if anyone doesn't get enough sleep on a regular basis, it does affect them. I should have paid more attention myself!!

Patrick said...

That standing meditation sounds badass. I'd also recommend a 15-30 minute head or handstand session. That will power up your shoulders and triceps pretty quick, as well as giving all the benefits of an inversion.

Adrian and Emiko said...

I took a couple Qi Gong classes a few months ago. The teacher said that doing 100 hours of standing meditation would change your life. I haven't tested his claim out yet due to laziness, but I'm gonna aim for that now. Also, thanks for the handstand tip. I used to try those as well, but could only hold myself up for 2 minutes at a time, and that was against a wall. I'll work on it though, sounds like it will be helpful.


Nate said...

I know what you mean about your shoulders. I think that's what I need the most work on. It's crazy