I catch myself thinking about resorting to old habits of vegging out all day long and eating junk. Something funny I noticed is that I've been having a lot of food-related dreams lately. Last night for example, I dreamt that Emiko and I were making gyros in our drawing class. Emiko put herb butter and cheese in hers. Light glistened off the cheese and foil and I could see the steam rising off of it too. I haven't strayed from the diet in real life, but for the past couple of days, I've been sitting around and playing a lot of video games.
When I start feeling unmotivated, I remember Emiko's post, in which she said I was her PCP hero. That memory has been getting me off my butt when I feel low. I think to myself, "What kind of hero sits around playing video games all day?" I can either pretend to be a hero in a video game, or I can work on being Adrian in real life.
So, to all the gamers out there: Put down the controller and pick up a jump rope; stop gaining levels and start losing weight; you can't press the reset button in real life; etc.
Even in YOUR dreams I have been naughty about the diet! Uh oh, bad sign....!
Definitely gaining some experience points! But what will you cash them in for? Intelligence, strength, dexterity? :P
you are still my PCP hero!
<3 e
I'm hoping to create a balanced character so I can't choose just one.
Just look at how far you've come. And in five days, we will only be one month from the end ... when, of course, we will be in peak condition and want to maintain it!!
This is a totally normal experience on the PCP, Adrian. Your body is tired, you've asked a lot of it. This is when the few people with gym memberships who haven't given up say to themselves, "I've done enough, I look good enough, it's time for a break."
This last month will take you to great condition that you will be able to maintain. When I said things should be "easy" now I meant that you are really living the PCP now, not that the exercises will be easy. They just get tougher actually!
Maybe those chubby gamers should all try Yourself!Fitness for the PS2. I played it the other day and it still kicked my ass even though I'm in much better shape now than I was when I bought it.
By the way that Mario picture is so trippy, I never thought about how it would look with real frickin turtles. The turtle is one of my favorite animals and I'd hate to butt-stomp one in real life.
I play about an hour of games a day and I'm in Peak shape, so there's some room there for games and fitness coexisting.
I never heard of that game, but I did used to play DDR on my PS2. I used to get a good workout doing that. I think i'm okay admitting that here.
I wouldn't stomp a turtle in real life either. What game system do you play?
I don't own a TV so I'm on PSP and DS now. At the moment I'm loving "The World Ends With You" on the DS.
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