Sunday, October 26, 2008

Adrian: Day 73, Pull-ups

Is anyone able to do the 5 sets x 8-12 reps of pull-ups? I can only do 3 on my first set, with each subsequent set being halved. At set 5 I'm doing about a quarter of a pull-up.


Patrick said...

Only the strongest of people will be able to make 5 sets 8 x10 solo. If possible have a partner give you a boost when your muscles fail you around set 3, or switch to the angled pull-up. But what your doing is fine to as your definitely reaching failure. We can't ask anymore than that.

Nate said...

I can do 8 for the first 3 sets or so. If I am feeling strong I can almost eke out 5 sets of 8

Adrian and Emiko said...

That's good to know Patrick; I was feeling like the weakest of the weak. I think I would need a step ladder to do as many as Nate.


Patrick said...

I do about as well as Nate. Try twisting and doing a full side kick with both feet at the top of the pull up to enter a new dimensions of burn.

Tim said...

Adrian, you aren't the weakest of the weak, believe me!!! lol

Nate said...

Man I feel like if I do almost as many as patrick I am doing something wrong! He is way more ripped than me lol

Well Maybe I'm not letting my self go down as far as a should I'll try them different today and let you know.

And no lie the word I have to type for verification is . . .



Patrick said...

Ha ha from now on Nate will be known as "Hobag"

Hey Hobag, pass the chips!